Hi! My name is Matthieu.
Professionally, I started my career as a web developer PHP/MySQL but I also learned other languages (Python, shell bash, etc…) . I evolved into a lead dev and then quickly as a project manager, technical then web development team manager in which I placed myself as Scrum Master which was quite natural for me. After that, I worked as a project manager as a consultant or not on cross-cutting and varied roles. In the meantime I passed my PSM 1 & PSM 2 certifications (Professional Scrum Master 1 & 2), because, finally, this is where I really recognize myself.
Personally, I have always found it difficult to tolerate abuse of dominance by various high-tech players, whom I saw as a brake on progress and a nuisance to users. That’s why I’m mainly focused on Open Source technologies that allow us to keep control on what we use. And not the other way around.
Here, my goal is not to revolutionize the world. Just help to encourage being more autonomous in the technologies we use and make possible to detach as much as possible from GAFAM and keeping our personal data safe.
At the same time, I will share experiences and tips if I find it can be useful for someone. I hope having feedback and sharing to improve myself. It would be wonderful.
By the way, I’m in love with Canada. Especially with Quebec that I know well now but I have so many other places to explore in this so beautiful country with such nice people.